International Conference



7-8 November 2023

Dear scientific researchers,

The Faculty of Economy at the University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi", within the framework of the celebrations for the 30th jubilee anniversary is pleased to invite you to submit your research papers at the International Scientific Conference “Reshaping Eco-Social Paradigm toward Innovation and Sustainability” (REPTIS 2023).

This conference aims to bring together researchers, scholars, PhD students, and policymakers to engage in meaningful discussions about innovations, trends, concerns and challenges that societies are facing and share their insights on pressing sustainability challenges and future-oriented solutions.We believe that your active participation in this conference will greatly enrich the event and contribute to its overall success. 


The conference will be held in hybrid modality: in presence or on-line participation and poster session. 


Keynote Speakers



Adjunct Professor of Economics at SAIS Europe 



Professor of Finance at the Lacy School of Business at Butler University , USA



Professor of Operations Management Gonzaga University, USA



Assistant professor at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland


Important Dates:

Deadline for submission of Abstracts

15 October 2023

Notification of acceptance of Abstracts

20 October 2023

Full paper submission for Proceedings

23 December 2023

Conference date

07-08 November 2023


Faculty of Economy, University
“Luigj Gurakuqi”, Shkoder (Albania)


Participants should send their abstracts, according to the Guidelines at the address:

Selected full papers will be published in Conference Proceedings with ISSN or in the Journal of Economic Sciences with ISBN, issued by Faculty of Economy, University of Shkodra.

An extended agenda for the conference and calendar of events will be provided in due time. For more information, please check out the conference website REPTIS 2023.


The main topics of the conference are focused on, but not limited to, the following titles:

  • Economic development and sustainability
  • Information technology, globalization and social development
  • Energy innovations and economic performance
  • Facing social, demographic and labor market changes
  • Geopolitical challenges and opportunities
  • Regional debates on inclusive cohesion
  • Digital revolution and resilient entrepreneurship
  • Governance and regulatory reforms
  • New models in education and vocational training



Free of charges.

Language of Conference:  English or Albanian

  • Presentations in English or Albanian
  • Full papers in English or Albanian


For any additional enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us!
We look forward to welcoming you to REPTIS2023 International Conference in Shkoder.


REPTIS Organizing Committee