• Ankesa

The International Symposium on Social Studies Education (USBES)

The International Symposium on Social Studies Education (USBES), which is organised in cooperation with the Association of Social Studies Educators (SBEBD), brings together all stakeholders involved in the Social Studies Education process. The symposium is hosted by a different university every year.

This year, the 12th International Symposium on Social Studies Education will be hosted by Trakya University in Edirne, Türkiye. Edirne is the gateway of our country to Europe, the old capital city of the Ottoman Empire for many years and the second city in the world with the highest number of historical artefacts per square metre. The symposium aims to create various discussion platforms on different perspectives in the context of social studies education, share current research findings and create opportunities for new collaborations. Thus, we are pleased and honoured to invite all stakeholders (academics, teachers, teacher candidates, non-governmental organisations and related institutions and organisations) working in and interested in the field of social studies education to the symposium, which is planned to be held between 20-22 May 2024.

The main theme of the 12th International Symposium on Social Studies Education is determined as "Social Studies Education for International Peace and Human Rights" in the light of the current events in the world. The sub-themes of the symposium are presented below.


- Social Studies Education and Quality - Accreditation Processes

- Problems Encountered in Social Studies Education

- Social Studies Curricula

- Social Studies Teaching Strategies, Methods and Techniques

- Social Studies and Disaster Education

- Social Studies and Peace Education

- Social Studies and Skills Training

- Social Studies and Environmental Education

- Social Studies and Child Rights Education

- Social Studies and Value Education

- Social Studies and Democratic Citizenship Education

- Social Studies and Human Rights Education

- Social Studies and Global Issues

- Social Studies and Teacher Training

- Social Studies and Special Education

- Social Studies and Sustainable Development

- Social Studies, Digitalisation and Information-Communication Technologies

- Interdisciplinary Approaches in Social Studies Education

- Postgraduate Education in Social Sciences

- Assessment and Evaluation in Social Studies

- Social Sciences Education in Social Studies