• Ankesa

The deadline for archival abstract submissions has been extended to May 5th 2023

Encouraged by the success of the conference series on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) we are glad to inform you that starting from 2018 a regional biannual series targeting the region of Latin America (LA SDEWES conferences) have been initiated, with first conference successfully held in Rio de Janeiro, second in Buenos Aires in 2020, third online in Sao Paulo and now in the beautiful city of Viña del Mar.

Can engineering solutions mitigate the climate change before we need to adapt? How can we build low carbon energy systems? How can we integrate water, energy, transport, waste and food systems so that we decouple development from growing use of resources? What are the societal and economic challenges before implementing clearly beneficial engineering solutions? What is the role of sustainable cities and regions?

These and many other questions are being asked and answered by researchers participating in the Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES Conference), an event devoted to scientists, engineers, policy makers, students and other interested parties in the field of sustainable development. The first six SDEWES Conferences were held in Dubrovnik, later being also held in Ohrid, on a Mediterranean cruiser between Venice and Istanbul, Lisbon, Piran, Palermo, Rio de Janeiro, Novi Sad, Buenos Aires, Sarajevo, Cologne, Vlore, Sao Paulo, Paphos and every odd year again in Dubrovnik.

We are pleased to invite you to the 4nd Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2024 Viña del Mar) which is going to be held in the beautiful city of Viña del Mar, Chile from January 14-17, 2024.

The details about the Conference (important dates, conference fee, accommodation, contact addresses, etc.) can be found on the web site:


The scientific quality of the conferences is confirmed by the fact that leading international archival scientific journals, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of Environmental Management, Applied Thermal Engineering, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Energy reports, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Optimization and Engineering, Energies, Sustainability, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems and others have in the past dedicated and published special issues for selected and reviewed papers from the conferences, and some intend to do that also for the next SDEWES conference. The past publications resulting from the Conferences can be found at:

We would highly appreciate your attendance, as well as promotion of the SDEWES Conference event among your colleagues and co-workers.

Please, forward this Call for Papers!

Authors willing to present a paper should submit an abstract, up to one page, using web form:


These abstracts will then be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee. The full papers will be directly submitted via electronic submission system.

Submit your archival abstract before the May 5th deadline.

Other important dates are available on the conference web site.

If you have any question please send it to: la.sdewes2024@sdewes.org

We are looking forward to your contributions and to see you in Viña del Mar!