• Ankesa

Njoftim i zyrës së kerkimit shkencor dhe inivacionit Universiteti i Tetovës

Dear scientific researchers,

In the attachment, we are sending you the call for scientific papers in the Journals, published by the University of Tetova, in which you will find the criteria, details and the way to send full papers.

Acta Medica Balkanica  Vol. 8 | 2023

Albanologjia  Vol. 10 | 2023

Economic Vision  Vol. 10 | 2023

Filologjia  Vol. 11 | 2023

Education  Vol. 5 | 2023

Food Technology and Nutrition Vol. 6 | 2023

JAS - SUT Vol. 9 | 2023

Natural Sciences and Mathematics  Vol. 8 | 2023

Justicia  Vol. 11 | 2023 

Philosophica  Vol. 10 | 2023

Sport & Health  Vol. 10 | 2023

Journals seek to publish original work that demonstrates currency and relevance to the field of study addressed. Submitted papers will be double peer-reviewed by blind reviewers from the specific fields included in the Journals. 

Full paper EXTENDED submission deadline is 31 May, 2023.

An electronic copy of paper in Word format in English should be submitted via Research Management System - https://eservices.unite.edu.mk/rms/