• Ankesa

LAST CALL: International Conference on Economics & Social Sciences 2023, Romania

Let's enrich 2023 by ECLSS International Conferences!"

 The International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (E&SS2023b) is an academic conference organized and supported by ECLSS International consortium (comprised of 17 university partners in 15 different countries) and covers the main fields of social sciences. ECLSS International Conferences are regarded as "unique and authentic international organizations" by universities and rsearch centers. 

The 10th edition of International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (E&SS2023b) will be held as an online activity, hosted by the University of Bucharest, on June 26 - 27, 2023.

The conference sessions and opening ceremony will on ONLINE platforms [ZOOM]  and the participation will be in the form of "virtual participation" via ZOOM platform. 

The Official Languages are Turkish, English, Romanian, Polish and Albanian.

This conference provides a suitable atmosphere to support, encourage and provides a platform for junior researchers to present their research, enlarge network within the international community of fellow researchers, and get insights, suggestions and advice from successful senior researchers during the conference.

Deadlines for Application
For the Bucharest, Romania Conference: June 20,  2023

If you wish, you can visit the ECLSS website for more information, and send an e-mail to contacts@eclss.org  or eclss2017@gmail.com  for your questions and requests.

We will be glad to see you as our guest at the conference.

Hope to meet you during the events!

"Let everything be as your heart desires!"


Mirela ANGHEL, Ph.D.
[Conference Chair]
University of Bucharest, ROMANIA 

For more information: