• Ankesa

International Scientific Events 2023

Dear Colleagues,  

We invite you to participate in conferences, part of International Scientific Events 2023, to be held in Burgas, Bulgaria, on the Black Sea Coast. 

The Science and Education Foundation and its partners will hold six scientific conferences.

Agriculture & Food, 11th International Conference (14-17 August)

Ecology & Safety, 32nd International Conference (14-17 August)

Materials, Methods & Technologies, 25th International Conference (17-20 August) 

Economy & Business, 22nd International Conference (20-23 August) 

Education, Research & Development, 14th International Conference (23-26  August)

Language, Individual & Society, 17th International Conference (23-26 August)

Participants may change the type of presentation (oral, poster, or online) up to 30 days before the actual conference date.

Online participants can submit oral presentations and posters; they will receive all printed materials (program, certificate, etc.) from the event and will publish their papers.

There is no limit to the number of changes allowed in the presentation type.

Representatives of universities, institutes, laboratories, and other organizations from 59 countries participated in the events in 2022.

The papers presented will be published in open-access journals, part of International Scientific Publications.

The events will be held with live and online sessions while observing all applicable safety measures.

We are looking forward to meeting you in August!

Ivan Genov

Science & Education Foundation, Bulgaria